MDHHS Electronic Grants Management System Training for Reporting and Grant Agreement Amendments

TO: MI E-Grants Agency Users
FROM: Jeanette Hensler
Grants Section Manager
SUBJECT: MDHHS Electronic Grants Management System Training for Reporting and Grant Agreement Amendments
The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) Grants and Purchasing Division is pleased to announce a Grant Training Opportunity for new and current system users.
Following is the Training Schedule:
ï'· October 27 - 1:30-4:00 PM - Conference Room 1A (seating limit: 40)
ï'· November 1 - 8:30-11:00 AM - Conference Room 1A (seating limit: 40)
The on-site location is being held at: the Grand Tower Building at 235 Grand Avenue, Lansing Michigan in the above listed conference room. Parking is on your own. If you are unable to attend in person, a simultaneous Webcast is also available. Webcast attendees are limited to 50 website connections. Attached are the instructions for participating in the Webcast.
Reservations are requested by Friday, October 21, please complete the online form at:

The training will cover managing your user profile, navigation within the system, completing and submitting various Progress Reports (Financial Status reports, Work Plan reports, Statistical Reports, Narrative reports, and Attachment report), requesting an Amendment for Grant Agreement corrections, and making Amendment corrections within the Grant Agreement.
Please share this information with the appropriate staff within your Agency.

Contact info

Julie O'Connor

Director, Research Communications
Phone: 313-577-8845