Chemical Waste

Chemical Waste Pick-Up and New Container Request Form

Waste tags are available through Science Stores (Science Hall), Central Receiving (Scott Hall) or through OEHS.

Hazardous chemicals should never be dumped down the drain!

OEHS provides free chemical waste removal services for all WSU research facilities. Follow these rules:

Use proper containers

  • Store liquid wastes in containers that originally held liquids and solids in containers that held solids.
  • Make sure that all bottles are in good condition and have original cap.
  • Collect organic wastes in empty organic solvent containers.
  • Collect inorganic (acid/base) wastes in empty inorganic containers.
  • Secure lids tightly and store waste in a flammable cabinet or on shelves.
  • Do not store bottles on the floor or in the hallway! Place containers in secondary containers.

Free 2.5-gallon and 5-gallon carboys, and 5-gallon pails are available through OEHS. Request containers through the Chemical Waste Pick-Up and New Container Request Form.

Disposal of Solid Waste

Segregate wastes properly

Whenever possible, keep different hazardous wastes separate so that disposal options are clearer and more cost effective. If this isn't possible, collect waste in compatible containers segregated into these categories:

  • Halogenated solvents (i.e. methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride)
  • Non-halogenated solvents (i.e. xylene, toluene, acetone, alcohols)
  • Acids
  • Bases
  • Heavy Metals
  • Special Wastes: collect separately (i.e. cyanide, sulfide, oxidizers, organic acids, explosives, peroxides)
  • Waste Oil: whenever possible do not mix with solvents, PCB's, etc.

Label wastes correctly and completely

Label waste containers with chemical content waste tags. Waste tags can be obtained from Science Stores, Scott Hall Receiving, or OEHS.

  • Date & attach tags to bottle as soon as you begin to collect waste.
  • Write the complete name of each chemical on the tag. NO FORMULAS OR ABBREVIATIONS!
  • Make sure each tag is completely filled out before waste is picked up.

OEHS staff may refuse to collect waste that has been improperly collected/labeled or stored.