Community Engaged Research
- Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES): CURES is one of a few select environmental health sciences core centers in the nation funded by NIH's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. CURES works to understand how human complex exposures to chemical and non-chemical stressors in the urban environment can influence the development of environmentally-linked disease.
- Office for Community Engaged Research: The Office of Community Engagement Research (OCEnR), a part of the Wayne State Clinical Research Service Center, is housed at IBio. OCEnR is focused on sustaining health and well-being of community members through citizen engagement, collaboration and partnerships. As a university and community-wide resource, OCEnR offers a variety of services and trainings to promote community engagement and recruitment in research. Our vision includes encouraging community involvement in all research design and development, promoting community outreach through peer-to-peer initiatives and empowering community members to address health disparities and improving health equity.
- Eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in cancer: Scientists at Wayne State seek to understand and eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in cancer prevention and control, specifically screening and survivorship. Research is focused on the assessment of sociocultural factors that influence cancer screening.
- Community Engaged Research Symposium 2020: On December 1st and 2nd, 2020, Wayne State hosted the third annual Community Engaged Research Symposium: Advancing Health Equity. The focus of the symposium was "The Impact of COVID-19 Now and in the Future," and featured close to 60 speakers and was attended virtually by more than 200 individuals from Michigan and across the nation. Presentations highlighted academic researchers, both nationally and locally, Wayne State University medical students, community organizations and community members. Speakers offered their insight and perspectives of working collaboratively with academic researchers and the community discussing issues of trust, expectations, value, capacity, and compensation.
Contact info
CURES, OCEnR and COE contacts
Carrie Leach, Community Engagement Program Manager:
Parada Jordan, Director, Office of Community Engaged Research:,
Hayley Thompson, Faculty Director, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement: