
eProtocol is a web-based system for submitting, tracking, reviewing and approving research protocols subject to oversight by the Research Integrity Office in a paperless environment. The initial phase one roll-out of eProtocol at Wayne State University began May 18, 2015 with the electronic Conflict of Interest disclosure module, and now includes modules for the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Controlled Substances (CS), the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR), the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) and Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) of active protocols.

eProtocol improves many of the services provided to Wayne State University researchers. Some of the benefits of eProtocol will include:

  • Dashboard access and management of all study materials
  • Streamlined data entry process
  • Electronic approval signatures from any location
  • Status tracking of required training for study team members
  • Automated notifications of approaching deadlines
  • Real-time feedback on the status of reviews
  • Incorporate amendments directly into new protocols
  • Direct management of study personnel on protocols
  • Provide study team members with 24/7 web access from any location
  • Integration of related eProtocol modules and integration with other relevant Wayne State software.

Training materials for applicants, committee members and committee staff are available here. Group or individual training may be arranged by contacting support staff in each of the research review areas. (IRB, IACUC, etc.)