Leading scientists and community leaders to meet at the "MI H2O Conference: Research Shaping Michigan's Water Future" in Detroit, September 28-29, 2011
The three University Research Corridor (URC) partners â Michigan State University, University of Michigan and Wayne State University â will host a two-day conference to discuss innovative approaches addressing the large and looming water problems we face statewide and globally both currently and in the future. The conference aims to connect scientists, researchers and community leaders working in academia, industry and government across Michigan. Conference participants will address three critical impact areas:
- Water and energy
- Water and health
- Water and the rural and urban landscape
Conference details can be found at http://urcmich.org/events/watersymposium.php
A research agenda is imperative to reinvigorating cities across the country so they are vibrant, resilient communities capable of addressing challenges from global change, disasters and disruption of functioning healthy water systems and coastlines. In Detroit, universities can partner with government and industry to lead a research and development program that will enhance innovation in science and technology, with the goal of creating resilient and sustainable community based water systems.
The URC is an intellectual and economic engine for the entire state, attracting 93 percent of all external academic research and development dollars that come into Michigan and expending more than $1.68 billion dollars in research activity each year. The URC is one of the top R&D clusters in the nation for producing patents, new business and graduates with the high-tech related degrees needed in growing new fields. In addition, the URC is a magnet attracting new business to the state of Michigan. For more information about the URC visit: www.urcmich.org
Keynote Speakers:
Katherine Baer
Senior Director, Clean Water Program, American Rivers
"Connecting People and Rivers: Policies for Clean Water"
Peter Gallant
Vice President, Business Development and Regulatory Affairs, ENDETEC - Global Sensor Platform, Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies
"Advanced Technologies for Water Security"
Kelly R. Munkittrick
Scientific Director, Canadian Water Network
"Challenges for Breaking Down the Silos: Lessons from Building the Canadian Water Network as a National Research Network"
Samuel B. Passmore
Program Director, Environment Program, C.S. Mott Foundation
"Protecting Freshwater Resources, Advancing the Blue Economy: The Role of Private Foundations"
Alan H. Vicory, Jr.
Water Technology Innovation Cluster Steering Committee Chair and Executive Director, Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
"Water Technologies as a Regional Economic Driver: Global and National Developments and the Cincinnati-Based Water Technology Innovation Cluster (WTIC)"
John Hartig
Manager, Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
"The Return of the Detroit River's Charismatic Megafauna"
When: Thursday and Friday, September 29 and 30, 2011
Where: Wayne State University, McGregor Memorial Conference Center
Media Contacts:
Erin Dreelin
Phone: 517-353-7746
Email: dreelin@msu.edu
Vince Nystrom
Phone: 517-999-4007
Email: vincenystrom@urcmich.org
David Lampe
University of Michigan
Phone: 734-647-7768
Email: drlampe@umich.edu
Kathy Walsh
Michigan State University
Phone: 517-432-4499
Email: walshka@msu.edu
Julie O'Connor
Wayne State University
Phone: 313-577-8845
Email: julie.oconnor@wayne.edu
Contact info
Julie O'Connor
Director, Research Communications
Phone: 313-577-8845
Email: julie.oconnor@wayne.edu