Training Grant Support: Data Table Guidance
Overview - Table 8
For New Applications: Demonstrate your proposed training program's potential impact by analyzing data from students over the past 5 years who would have qualified for the program had it been available.
For Renewal Applications: Document your program's 15-year performance record by showing how trainee positions were utilized, including distribution across faculty members, trainees' program progression, and duration of support per trainee.
Overall Instructions
Table 8A (Pre-Docs) & 8B (Post-Docs)
- Part I. Trainees Supported by This Grant (RENEWAL APPLICATIONS ONLY) Provide a comprehensive list of all trainees who received support from this grant during the past 15 years, organized by their program entry year. Include trainees who left the program early and update all current positions. For grants active less than 15 years, list all trainees since the program's inception. Note: If a trainee received both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral support, report them only on Table 8A.
Part II. Recent Graduates (FOR NEW PROGRAMS AND PROGRAMS EXPANDING FROM PRE-DOC OR POST-DOC ONLY TO INCLUDE BOTH) List eligible candidates from the past 5 years who could have benefited from this proposed training program, organized by their entry year:
- For Table 8A: Include pre-doctoral graduates in relevant fields
- For Table 8C: Include post-doctoral trainees who completed similar training experiences Note: Skip column 4 'Summary of Support During Training' for this section.
- Part III. Program Statistics (RENEWAL PRE-DOC PROGRAMS ONLY). Report on the following:
- Training Grant PhD Completion and Duration Data Requirements
- PhD Completion Rate (10-Year Historical Data) Calculate the percentage of grant-supported trainees who enrolled in graduate school 10 years ago and successfully completed their PhD or equivalent doctoral degree. Include all trainees who received training grant support at any point during their graduate studies.
- Time to Degree (10-Year Average) Calculate the mean duration (in years) for PhD completion among all appointed trainees over the past 10 years. Report this average to one decimal place (for example, 5.5 years).
- Data Reporting Exemption Training programs that have received funding for less than 10 years or fewer than 2 funding cycles should not complete Part III of this report.
- Note on Calculating Data for Part III:
- Trainee Classification for Transfers: When calculating completion rates, trainees who leave graduate school to enter medical school or other doctoral-level professional programs should be included in your initial "Entering" cohort count. Do not count these transfers as successful PhD or equivalent degree completions, even if they later earn an MD or other professional doctorate.
- Training Grant PhD Completion and Duration Data Requirements
Guidance by Column
Table 8A: Pre-Docs (Parts I & II)
- Trainee. Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial
- Faculty Member. List up to 2 faculty mentors in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle (list “TBD” if not yet selected)
- Start Date. List date of entry into the trainee’s current degree-granting program in the format MM/YYYY (may precede the appointment to the training grant)
- Summary of Support During Training. Provide the primary source and type of support during each twelve-month period of training in the format TY1, TY2, etc.; do not include individual mentored career development awards (K awards)
- Renewals Only: List the training program being reported in the current renewal in bold
- Doctoral programs: TY1 is when the trainee entered doctoral training, and the final Training Year will be when the degree was granted (for dual-degree programs that do not award both degrees simultaneously, the final Training Year will be when the last degree was granted)
- NIH and other HHS support: List the abbreviation for the awarding institute code and activity code (e.g., NC R01)
- Other sources: Use the categories below to report only the primary source and type of support for each twelve-month period of training
- Sources of Support:
- Other Federal (Other Fed)
- University (Univ)
- Foundation (Fdn)
- Non-US
- Other
- None: Leave of Absence (LOA)
- Types of Support:
- Research Assistantship (RA)
- Teaching Assistantship (TA)
- Fellowship (F)
- Research Education Award (R25)
- Training Grant (TG)
- Scholarship (S)
- Other
- Sources of Support:
- Terminal Degree(s) Received and Year(s). Those who left the graduate program without a degree list “none”
- A terminal degree is the highest academic degree that can be awarded in a particular field (i.e. MD or PhD).
- Renewals Only: For trainees currently in the program, list “in training”
- Topic of Research Project. A brief description or title
- Initial Position. Complete for trainees who have completed or left the program; if individuals hold joint appointments/positions, only list the primary; if information is not available list “unknown;” if the trainee is still in training, leave this section blank; for each position, the table should include the following fields in this section:
- Position title
- Department/division
- Institution
- Workforce Sector:
- Academia
- Government
- For-profit
- Nonprofit
- Other
- Principal Activity:
- Primarily research
- Primarily teaching
- Primarily clinical
- Research-related
- Further training
- Unrelated to research
- Current Position. Utilize the same fields as Initial Position (column 7); for trainees who completed or left the graduate program, leave this section blank
- Subsequent Grant(s)/Role/Year Awarded. If applicable, list up to 5 fellowship, career development, or research grant support awards obtained from any source after the individual entered training. For NIH and other HHS support, list the abbreviation for the awarding institute, activity code, role, and year awarded (e.g., NC R01/Staff Scientist/2011); applicable for any role held.
Guidance by Column
Table 8B: Post-Docs (Part I & II)
- Trainee. Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial
- Doctoral Degree(s) and Year(s). Trainee’s degree(s) and the year(s) awarded
- Faculty Member. List up to 2 faculty mentors in the format Last Name, First Name and Middle (list “TBD” if not yet selected)
- Start Date. List date of entry into the trainee's postdoctoral research program in the format MM/YYYY (may precede the appointment to the training grant); entry year is the first year of post-doc research experience excluding non-research clinical training
- Summary of Support During Training. Provide the primary source and type of support during each twelve-month period of training in the format TY1, TY2, etc.; do not include individual mentored career development awards
- Renewals Only: List the training program being reported in the current renewal in bold
- Doctoral programs: TY1 is when the trainee entered doctoral training, and the final Training Year will be when the degree was granted (for dual-degree programs that do not award both degrees simultaneously, the final Training Year will be when the last degree was granted)
- NIH and other HHS support: List the abbreviation for the awarding institute code and activity code (e.g., NC R01)
- Other sources: Use the categories below and report only the primary source and type of support for each twelve-month period of training
- Sources of Support:
- Other Federal (Other Fed)
- University (Univ)
- Foundation (Fdn)
- Non-US
- Other
- None: Leave of Absence (LOA)
- Types of Support:
- Research Grant (RG)
- Fellowship (F)
- Research Education Award (R25)
- Training Grant (TG)
- Other
- Sources of Support:
- Degree(s) Resulting from Postdoctoral Training and Year(s). If program does not offer degrees list “none”
- Renewals Only: For trainees currently in the program, list “in training”
- Topic of Research Project. A brief description or title
- Initial Position. Complete for trainees who have completed or left the program; if individuals hold joint appointments/positions, only list the primary; if information is not available list “unknown;” for each position, the table should include the following fields in this section:
- Position title
- Department/division
- Institution
- Workforce Sector:
- Academia
- Government
- For-profit
- Nonprofit
- Other
- Principal Activity:
- Primarily research
- Primarily teaching
- Primarily clinical
- Research-related
- Further training
- Unrelated to research
- Current Position. Utilize the same fields as Initial Position (column 8); leave this section blank for trainees who completed or left the graduate program
- Subsequent Grant(s)/Role/Year Awarded. If applicable, list up to 5 fellowship, career development, or research grant support awards obtained from any source after the individual entered training. For NIH and other HHS support, list the abbreviation for the awarding institute, activity code, role, and year awarded (e.g., NC R01/Staff Scientist/2011); applicable only for PD/PI or other senior role (i.e., co-investigator, faculty collaborator, or staff scientist)