Training Grant Support: Data Table Guidance
Overview - Table 3
This table provides a comprehensive overview of concurrent training grant commitments for potential mentors. It serves two critical purposes: first, to transparently identify existing training grants within our institution and partner organizations that may have related or potentially competing research domains, and second, to strategically manage mentor workload. By carefully mapping these commitments, we aim to ensure that each faculty member can provide dedicated, substantive mentorship without being spread too thin across multiple training programs.
Overall Instructions
- List currently active federal organizational training, career development, andresearch education grants (T-series grants, K12s, R25s, etc.) with overlappingmentors participating in both the proposed training grant and other existingtraining award.
- Include pre-doc, post-doc, and combined programs regardless of theproposed program’s training stages (i.e., a post-doc only application shouldstill include pre-doc only overlapping grants).
- Omit grants that do not serve pre-docs, post-docs or short-term trainees (i.e. high school students, undergraduates, and post-baccalaureates).
- If a training grant is multi-site, list information for each organization separately.
- Page Limit: None.
Guidance by Column
- Grant Title: Full grant title
- Award Number: Full award number
- Project Period: Entire project period in the fomat MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY
- PD/PI: Last Name: First Name, and Middle Initial
- Number of Predoctoral Positions Supported per Year: Total number of full-time pre-doc positions per year*
- Number of Postdoctorial Positions Supported per Year: Total number of full-time post-doc positions per year*
- Number of Short-Term Positions: Total number of short-term training positions*
- Number of Participating Faculty (Number Overlapping): List two numbers:
- The total number of mentors and PIs on the grant
- The number of mentors and PIs on the proposed training grant in parenthesis (considered overlapping faculty, this number will correspond to the names in column 9)
- Names of Overlapping Faculty: Only list last names of overlapping mentors and PIs (from Table 2)
*Calculating Totals Correctly: Sum columns 5-7 and enter the totals in bold in the Total row.