Training Grant Support: Data Table Guidance

Overview - Table 2

This table illustrates the diversity and strength of your mentor group, showcasing their qualifications across key dimensions including academic rank, research specialties, departmental representation, proven mentoring track record, and the successful career trajectories of their previous trainees.

Overall Instructions

  • List participating faculty in alphabetical order by last name.
  • List mentors from WSU in Part I and partner organization(s) in Part II, if applicable. Omit Part II if only WSU mentors are participating.
  • Columns 1-6 refer to basic inforamtion about the faculty member (name, degree, rank, etc.)
  • Columns 7-12 refer to the faculty's mentoring record of pre- and post-docs who have been or are currently engaged in research training under the faculty's primary supervision over the past 10 years. 
    • Primary supervision means that the faculty directed the trainee's pre-doc dissertation or post-doc research project (general dissertation committee membership does not apply).
    • Note that each faculty must list all of their pre- and post-doc trainee data regardless of training program focus (i.e. only pre-docs or only post-docs).
    • Only include pre-doc MD students if they are ALSO pursuing PhdS OR taking a gap year(s) to pursue mentored research.
    • Exclude from these totals:
      • Pre-docs doing research rotations
      • Clinical interns and residents unless they have been or are currently doing full-time, mentored research training in the faculty member's research group/lab.
      • K awardees
      • MD students who are not also pursuing a PhD
    • Only provide data for the programs's relevant training stage(s).
    • Pre-docs only: Include pre-doc columns (7-9); omit post-doc dolumns (10-12).
    • Post-docs only: Include post-doc columns (10-12); omit pre-doc columns (7-9).
    • Both pre- and post-docs: Include both pre- and post-doc columns (7-12).
  • Page Limit: None

Summarize the data from Table 2 within the Research Training Program Plan's Background and Program Faculty sections, highlighting the strategic approach to mentor selection. Provide a comprehensive overview of the mentorship team, emphasizing their collective expertise, diverse research backgrounds, and capacity to provide robust support for trainees. Articulate the careful consideration behind mentor selection, including the rationale for including both seasoned and emerging faculty members. Demonstrate how the mentor group offers a balanced and comprehensive support network that can effectively guide trainees across various research trajectories, while ensuring depth and breadth of mentorship expertise.

The narrative should address:

  • The deliberate composition of the mentor group
  • How the selected mentors collectively meet the program's training objectives
  • The strategic balance between experienced mentors and those with developing mentorship skills
  • The group's ability to provide comprehensive research and professional development support

Emphasize that while NIH does not mandate a specific mentor count, the proposed team represents a focused, expertly curated group capable of providing nuanced, high-quality mentorship that can adapt to individual trainee needs and research interests.

Guidance by Column

  1. Name.Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial

  2. Degree(s). Only include post-grad degrees (MD, PhD, etc.)

  3. Rank. Rank should correspond to the primary department listed in column 4; fornon-academic positions list “Other” followed by their title

  4. Part I. Applicant Organization’s Primary Department/Part II. PartnerOrganization’s Primary Department.

    1. Part I: The mentors’ primary department, interdepartmental program,division, etc.

    2. Part II (non-WSU mentors only). The non-WSU organization and, in parenthesis, the mentors’ primary department, interdepartmental program,division, etc.; i.e. University of Michigan (Medical Engineering)

  5. Research Interest. Must be relevant to the proposed training program; be brief,keywords okay to use

  6. Training Role. Select up to three; allowable options include:

    • PD/PI

    • Preceptor or Mentor

    • Executive Committee Member (Exec. Comm.)

    • Other Committee Member (Other Comm.)

    • Other

  7. Predoctorates in Training. Number of pre-doc trainees currently under thefaculty’s supervision; if the faculty does not have trainees, list 0

  8. Predoctorates Graduated. Number of pre-doc trainees who earned a doctoraldegree that the faculty mentored over the past 10 years; if the faculty does nothave trainees, list 0

  9. Predoctorates Continued in Research or Related Careers. Number of pre-doctrainees who earned a doctoral degree during the past 10 years and are currentlyin a research-related career*

  10. Postdoctorates in Training. Number of post-doc trainees currently under thefaculty member’s supervision; if the faculty does not have trainees, list 0

  11. Postdoctorates Completed Training. Number of post-doc trainees who completedtraining under the faculty member’s supervision over the last 10 years; if thefaculty does not have trainees, list 0

  12. Postdoctorates Continued in Research or Related Careers. Number of post-doctrainees who completed their training under the faculty member’s supervision overthe last 10 yearsand are currently in a research-related career*

*Research-related careers can include teaching, administering research or highereducation programs, science policy, technology transfer, etc. Additionally, pre-docswho have completed training and moved to post-doc training should be included inthis category.