IACUC Membership Appointments, Expectations, and Training


The following policy is to provide WSU IACUC members information regarding their responsibilities when appointed to the committee.

IACUC Policy


  • IACUC members will be appointed by the Institutional Official (IO) with input from the IACUC Chairperson and will receive their official appointment letter thereafter.
    • Appointments will be either as a full or alternate member. An IACUC member and his/her alternate may not count toward a quorum at the same time or act in an official member capacity at the same time. Alternates will receive training identical to the training provided to full members.
    • Appointments for a new member will be for 1 year initially and renewed at the discretion of the IO for  another 1 to 2 years thereafter with subsequent renewals (1 to 2 year appointments).
    • No IACUC member will serve for more than 8 consecutive years, unless an extension is granted by the IO.  Automatic extensions are often granted by the IO to DLAR veterinarians and non-affiliated members.  The Attending Veterinarian is required to serve on the IACUC.
    • Members may resign from the IACUC at any time.
    • The IACUC Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will have a 3-year appointment initially. Thereafter, they may renew their appointment for another 3 to 5 years.

IACUC Chair/Vice Chair Expectations

The WSU IACUC Chair and Vice Chair are responsible for overseeing the coordination and implementation of effective, efficient systems for protocol review and program review by the IACUC in compliance with the PHS policy and the AWA. Other duties include:

  • Convene and chair meetings, ensure that there is a quorum present, and declare the loss of a quorum resulting in the end of official business if a sufficient number of members depart.
  • Recommend IACUC membership changes to the IO.
  • Evaluate and champion policy and practice initiatives to improve WSU's animal care and use program.
  • Participate in the assignment of designated reviewers for protocols and amendments.
  • Communicate regularly with the IO, Attending Veterinarian, and Associate Director, Responsible Conduct for Research.

IACUC Member Expectations

  • IACUC members are expected to participate in polling (i.e. recommend DMR or FCR) of protocol/amendment submissions.
  • It is expected that full IACUC members will attend 75% (9 of the 12) monthly IACUC meetings. It is expected that alternate IACUC members will attend at least 25% (3 of the 12) monthly IACUC meetings.
  • All IACUC members (full and alternate) are expected to participate in a minimum of 1 semi-annual inspection per 12-month period.  No member shall be excluded from participating in facility expectations or program review.
  • All IACUC members (full and alternate) are expected to serve as primary or secondary reviewer on protocol(s) and/or amendment(s) as assigned.
  • All IACUC matters must remain confidential by the IACUC member and not discussed with other non-IACUC members.
    • IACUC members should be aware of federal regulations in the Animal Welfare Act, Title 7, Chapter 54, Section 2157 that it is unlawful for any member of the IACUC to release confidential information to a third party or to use, or attempt to use, confidential information to their own advantage.
  • If a potential conflict of interest exists regarding any IACUC-related duties, the IACUC member must recuse themselves.
    • IACUC members will complete a financial Conflict of Interest form via eProtocol.
  • Full or alternate members who fail to meet expectations may not have their committee appointment renewed. Exceptions will be considered by the IO and IACUC Chairperson.



The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide, NRC 2011): "It is the institution's responsibility to provide suitable orientation, background materials, access to appropriate resources, and, if necessary, specific training to assist IACUC members in understanding their roles and responsibilities and evaluating issues brought before the committee." (p. 24)

Orientation for New Members

New IACUC members are trained by a senior staff member of the IACUC office.  They will discuss general details of protocol review, use of the eProtocol system, IACUC office procedures, policies, forms, and relevant documents/publications.  Specific topics of discussion are as follows:

  • The responsibilities of the IACUC members:
    1. Protocol Review
    2. Amendment Review
    3. Semi-annual Inspections and Program Review
    4. Review animal welfare concerns (i.e., potential non-compliance
    5. Review of Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, and Guidelines
  • Procedures followed by the IACUC office:
  1. Meeting structure
  2. Protocol processing
  3. IACUC reviewer procedures and documentation
  4. Protocol revisions and approval
  5. Amendment types, review, and approval
  • The following publications and documents will be provided (in either electronic or hardcopy):
  1. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide, NRC 2011)
  2. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook (ARENA)
  3. WSU General Assurance with PHS
  4. IACUC Membership List
  • A tour of all WSU facilities can be arranged.
  • New members can meet individually with the Chair and/or the Institutional Official.
  • New members will not be assigned to review protocols until after he/she attends at least one meeting; the timeframe can be extended as necessary.

Online Training for Members

All committee members are required to complete the following modules available through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program:

  • Working with the IACUC, Lab Animal Research (a refresher course is required every 3 years)
  • Essentials for IACUC Members (required every three years)
  • Responsible Conduct of Research

National Training

  • All new IACUC members are encouraged to complete a national training program (e.g. IACUC 101 Training Course) as soon as it can be arranged (within the first year of their initial appointment).
  • The IACUC Chairperson must complete a national training program that includes advanced training (e.g., IACUC 101, 201, and 301 Training Courses) as soon as it can be arranged (within the first year of their appointment as Chairperson.)
  • Any exemptions to the training requirements need the written consent of the Institutional Official.

Ongoing Training

Several times each year, educational presentations (e.g., webinars) are made available to the IACUC.  During some convened meetings, the IACUC will discuss change(s) in regulations or institutional policies, or a scientific topic of relevance to the Committee.  The IACUC members receive emails with links to articles, training programs, etc. that are applicable and discussion is always welcomed.

Approved: August 2006

Revisions Approved: 8/2008, 12/2012, 10/2018, 4/2021, 5/2023, 9/2023