Award Transfer Process
Grants and contracts are awarded to the grantee (The University) on behalf of Principal Investigator (PI). If a PI is transferring to or from another institution, Sponsored Program Administration will work with the PI, the department, and college to retain or transfer his/her awards.
The awarding agency, or sponsor, must give prior approval for all grant/contract transfers. Although exceptions may apply, in general, contracts (not grants) must be terminated at the original institution before they can be reissued to the new institution. Normally, grants go with the PI during a transfer; however, the grantee can request a substitute PI to the sponsoring agency. In this case, the funded project may be related to the university and not just to the PI.
- NIH transfer: Detailed instructions as well as how to make a request can be found in in Section Change of Recipient Organization
- NSF transfer: Detailed instructions as well as how to make a request can be found in in PAPPG Chapter VII.B.2.f.
- Other Sponsor award transfer: Contact your SPA Grant and Contract Officer
As an alternative to a transfer, the original grantee may issue subawards for the rest of the project if time and funds remaining are modest and both sides agree.
Action Needed by the Principal Investigator Prior to Transferring Grants and Contract Awards
The PI must contact the Department Chair at their old institution for prior approval.
The PI must notify their sponsoring program officers (agency) about the transfer request to be made.
The PI must review the original award documentation for the following information:
- Cost sharing requirements: Determine if these have been met and whether any unmet requirements will be transferred.
- Equipment purchased: Produce a list of equipment purchased on the current award (cost, acquisition date, property tag number and funding source) and obtain approval from the Department Chair and Property Management of the old institution to authorize the transfer.
- Subrecipient: Inform collaborator(s) of move. Determine status of the subrecipient’s part of the project. Current sub contracts may need terminating and new subcontracts issued as a result of transfer.
- Material and data transfer: Work with the appropriate office at either institution to initiate a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), if needed.
- IRB and IACUC protocols: Close out protocols at the old institution and ensure protocols are satisfied at the new institution.
- Co-PI: Determine the role of the Co-PI that will remain at the old institution and if a subrecipient agreement for him/her will be required.
The PI must contact SPA and provide the following information:
- The effective date of termination.
- The name of the new institution.
- List of grants requesting to be transferred and grants to remain.
- List of equipment requesting to be transferred.
- Signature line for Dean/Chair approval of transfer of funded project and equipment.
The PI must create an incoming letter for the new institution. If standard statements and forms are not available, the letter should document the following information:
- The effective start date at the new institution.
- The name of the old institution.
- List of grants to be transferred.
- List of equipment/material to be transferred.
- Any other relevant information that will help the new institution to facilitate the transfer.
The PI must submit to their new institution all required agency forms and reports for the transfer.
The PI should submit an administrative transmittal to the WSU Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) for each of the awards to be transferred into WSU, out of WSU, or retained at WSU.
The PI must work with their old department to provide the old institution’s office of sponsored research the final figures for the relinquishment amount of the award to be moved to a new institution.
Transfer of Awards from Another Institution to Wayne State University
The transfer process may begin before the PI’s official appointment date at WSU. SPA usually waits to hear from the old institution and the sponsor to confirm the relinquishment amount. However, if the PI did not complete all the necessary reports and paperwork to initiate the transfer at the old institution, SPA can assist in this process. To initiate the transfer process and set up the award at WSU, SPA will need the following from the PI and the WSU department:
- A Provisional Fund Request (PFR) for each award to be transferred with the incoming letter from the old institution.
- A complete copy of the original proposal to the sponsor, including copies of procurement process/ documentation for any existing and continuing paid collaborators/contractors/consultants on the award.
- If available, a copy of the signed relinquishment statement from the other institution. If one is available, interim funding may be requested.
- Any agency required forms. Above are the specific agencies forms and instructions for NIH and NSF.
Once the transfer is completed, SPA will receive a Notice of Award from the sponsoring agency reflecting the estimated balance of the award funds to be transferred. The PI and department will receive a Notice of Award from SPA. The amount of the award may be more or less than the original estimate. A modification to the awarded amount may later be issued.
Transfer of Awards to Another Institution from Wayne State University – General Requirements
SPA will contact the sponsor and send an official letter/email to relinquish the award. The letter to the sponsor will stipulate that the transfer will be properly affected in accordance with applicable law and indicate that the transfer relinquishes all rights and interests in all the affected grants. It will also request that the awarding office(s) modify its records to reflect the transferee (new institution) as the grantee of record and give the effective date of the transfer. If available and necessary, the letter also will provide the sponsor with the transferee’s Entity Identification Number/Name and include verification of the transferee’s compliance with applicable requirements (e.g., research misconduct). Lastly, the letter will provide the sponsor with a list of the grant(s) to transfer (active and pending) with the following information for each and any necessary documentation attachment needed by the sponsor:
- Complete grant number.
- Name of PI.
- Current budget period and project period.
- Deobligation amount. (For NIH use the PHS 3734 deobligation form that lists the estimated amount to be released and equipment.)
- Any final invention or IP issues. (For NIH use HHS 568 Final Invention Statement and Certification form.)
- For NIH and any other agency requiring it, 90 days after the end of the final budget period at WSU, SPA will submit a final Financial Status Report. (For NIH, Form 425.)
Retaining an Award when a PI is Leaving the Wayne State University
If the award is to stay at WSU and the PI is leaving, the Department Chair and Dean in collaboration with the PI will propose a new PI for the award to the sponsor. SPA will submit the request to the sponsor for approval. If approved, SPA will be issued an amendment to the award naming the new PI. The following information is needed to submit to the sponsor for approval:
- A Provisional Fund Request to change Principal Investigator of project
- A statement from the PI/Chairman/Dean stating the reason/benefit of retaining the award and showing how the new PI selected is suitable to continue the project.
- The biographical sketch of the individual proposed as the new PI.
- Other sources of support of the new PI. In the case of NIH, complete PHS 398 Form, Page 7 (via Cayuse S2S)
- Any budget or cost center changes resulting from the proposed change.
- If applicable, any change in level of effort (a reduction of 25% or more must be reported).