Changing Scope or Research Objectives Procedures

Change in Scope or Research Objectives

A grantee organization is required to seek approval from the sponsoring agency when the scope or research objectives of the project change. Actions likely to be considered a change in scope or objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Change in the specific aims approved at the time of award.
    • Substitution of one animal model for another.
    • Any change from the approved use of animals or human subjects.
    • Shifting the emphasis of the research from one disease area to another.
    • Applying a new technology, i.e., changing assays from those approved to use of a different type of assay.
    • Transferring the performance of substantive programmatic work to a third party by contract or any other means.
    • Change in key personnel whose expertise is critical to the approved project.
    • Significant re-budgeting whether or not it requires approval under rules governing budget changes. Significant re-budgeting occurs when the cumulative amount of transfers among direct cost categories for the current budget period exceeds 25 percent of the total amount awarded, or $250,000, whichever is less.
    • Incurrence of patient care costs not previously approved and/or when a grantee desires to re-budget funds out of the patient care category.

Note: This list is not all-inclusive. In the event of uncertainty as to whether a particular change is significant enough to require your sponsoring agency's prior approval, questions should be referred to your grant and contract officer.