Cayuse FAQs

Cayuse: General

Cayuse Sponsored Projects: Navigation, Routing, Certification, and Emails

Cayuse Proposals (S2S): Navigation, Funding Opportunities, Budgets, Subcontracts


Cayuse: General

  • What is Cayuse Sponsored Projects? Cayuse Sponsored Projects is a cloud-based management solution for sponsored projects. The web interface gives you access to your entire research portfolio from proposals to awards simplifying collaboration and project management. A Cayuse Sponsored Project record must be completed for all external requests. Cayuse Sponsored Projects: Works with proposals in Cayuse Proposals (S2S); Allows the creation of custom routing chains; Tracks events and deadlines; Gives access to proposal attachments and budgets. By responding to questions about sponsors, subcontractors, compliance, export control, and other institution-specific questions, proposal creators cover the required areas of proposal development quickly and effectively.
  • When should I use Sponsored Projects? Cayuse Sponsored Projects should be used for every external funding proposal.
  • What is Cayuse Proposals (S2S)? Linked with Sponsored Projects, Proposals (S2S) is a web-based system for submission of applications via The system is easy to use, provides significant auto-filling of forms, extensive error checking and the ability to see the entire proposal before submission. Cayuse can be used for electronic submissions to federal agencies that provide Adobe forms for the submission process (i.e. NIH, DOD, CDC, USDA, AHRQ, etc).
  • When should I use Proposals (S2S)? Proposals (S2S) should be used for every federal proposal submission. It can be used for all funding opportunities, regardless of sponsor as there are templates for use other than the federal applications. Usage of Proposals S2S is recommended for all proposals as fringe rates, indirect costs rates, and salaries are "baked" into the forms, which is time-saving and accurate.
  • How do I access Cayuse? Via Academica, look for the Evisions tab and sign in with your Access ID and password.
  • Who do I contact if I encounter login issues? Please contact
  • How do I update information in my Professional Profile? Go to the People Tab in Proposals (S2S), search for and select your name. This information is auto-filled into the appropriate forms within the proposal. It is recommended that you occasionally review your Professional Profile to verify accuracy. Agency specific data such as NIH Commons ID, NASA NSPIRES ID, and NSF Degree Types can also be included for use in proposals.
  • My proposal is locked. How do I unlock it? At the top of the proposal window, you will see the words "Locked by" followed by a username. If that username is your own username, then you can simply click the Lock icon next to it, and take the lock back from yourself. If that username belongs to another user, contact him/her before taking the lock back. To avoid proposal locking upon exiting 424, always click on proposals list to properly exit the proposal package before logging out of Cayuse.
  • How far in advance of the sponsor deadline does my proposal need to be completed? All proposals should be completed and routed in Cayuse SP at least five (5) business days prior to the deadline day to allow a full review by SPA.
  • How can I get a new sponsor or subcontractor added to Cayuse? If a sponsor or subcontractor record does not exist in Cayuse Sponsored Projects or Proposals (S2S), please complete a Cayuse Institution/Non-WSU Personnel Profile Request. You can use TBD as a place-holder until record is created.
  • What are my access permissions in Cayuse? Proposal (S2S) permissions are controlled by the role identifications in the Sponsored Projects record as well as the Sponsored Projects proposal status. The following table shows permissions for typical roles and how they change with the status of the proposal.
Role in SP Routing State Proposals (S2S) Permissions

Proposal Creator


List, Read, Write, Attach, Break Lock, Delete, Print, Change Permissions, Add User/Group, Remove User/Group

Proposal Editor


List, Read, Write, Attach, Break Lock, Delete, Print, Change Permissions, Add User/Group, Delete User/Group

Lead PI and PI


List, Read, Write, Attach, Print, Break Lock

Other Research Team


None (name not listed in Proposals (S2S) permissions)

Proposal Creator Submitted List, Read, Attach, Print, Break Lock
Proposal Editor Submitted List, Read, Attach, Print, Break Lock
Lead PI and PI Submitted List, Read, Attach, Print, Break Lock
Other Research Team Submitted None (name not listed in Proposals (S2S) permissions)

Cayuse Sponsored Projects: Navigation, Routing, Certification, and Emails

Cayuse Proposals (S2S): Navigation, Funding Opportunities, Budgets, Subcontracts

  • Can two or more people simultaneously work on a proposal? The system allows one user at a time to work on either SP or Proposals (S2S) but does not allow two users to simultaneously work on the same module. However, users may simultaneously view the proposal.
  • When I open my proposal from the list, it says the proposal is in read-only mode and changes cannot be made. How can this be fixed? This deals with the proposal permissions that you have for the proposal package. Click on the small red key to view your proposal permissions, you may only have permission to read the proposal. If you need to edit or attach documents to the proposal package, contact the departmental administrator or your grants specialist to provide the appropriate permissions. Additionally, this issue may occur if the proposal is locked. If it is locked by you, simply click the Lock icon next to it, and take the lock back from yourself. If it is locked by another user of the system, you should contact them before taking the lock back.
  • Why isn't my funding opportunity available in Proposals (S2S)? Funding opportunities need to be downloaded if they are not on the Proposals (S2S) Opportunities list. You can download them to Proposals (S2S) using the Retrieve Opportunities button on the Opportunities tab. Once downloaded, they are available for others to use. It's a good idea and saves time to check before downloading an opportunity to see if it has already been downloaded by another user.
  • Why won't my funding opportunity load into Proposals (S2S)? No opportunity number on contains spaces. The opportunity number you enter must match exactly as it is posted on One reliable way to enter the correct number is to copy it from and paste it into Proposals (S2S). Another possible reason is that there may not be an application package available for the opportunity on Some grants are listed on but cannot be applied for electronically. You can verify whether the opportunity can be submitted electronically to by going to the Application section of the opportunity on If there is no downloadable Adobe package, it is not to be submitted electronically to If there is an Adobe package for the grant, it is very likely supported by Proposals (S2S).
  • Why does my Proposals (S2S) application have errors that contradict specific instructions? It is very important to refer to the proposal solicitation or RFP as the primary source for proposal preparation instructions. Usually, they will provide additional information regarding how to complete the application. While Proposals (S2S) usually applies the appropriate validations automatically, there are sometimes late changes in opportunity rules that require a manual change in the proposal's validation setting. If there is a contradicting error refer to the RFP and be sure to complete the application as stated in the instruction or grant proposal guide.
  • How does system maintenance affect my submissions? During maintenance, Cayuse users will not be able to submit proposals to a sponsor or download new funding opportunities. However, you can still work on applications in Proposals (S2S) once the opportunity has been downloaded; you can work in SP on any proposal, award, or project. If by chance the opportunity has timed out or the expiration date has passed please be sure to download a new opportunity that has the correct submission deadline.
  • Does Proposals (S2S) support Multi-Project Applications, or those processed using NIH ASSIST? Proposals (S2S) supports Multi-Project Applications. This functionality replaces the need to use NIH ASSIST.
  • How do I include a detailed budget for my records when the sponsor is requesting a modular budget? Enter all appropriate budget information on the detailed budget pages. Make sure the R&R budget pages are unchecked on the proposal navigation page. The budget information will be available, but will not be converted into the PDF that is submitted to the NIH.
  • How do I add Key Persons to a budget without giving them effort on the budget? In the manage key persons section select the key persons role "Other (Specify)" and then specified as "Other Significant Contributor".
  • How do I add NON-WSU Personnel to my proposal roster?
  1. From Proposals (S2S), select People Tab
    1. Run a search with person's last name to ensure it is not in database
  2. If no results are yielded, select the Add Person button to create a new record
  3. Enter person's name and select Create New Profile
  4. A new window populates, add prefix/suffix, if applicable
  5. A Biosketch can be added to the person record for future reference (keep in mind that updates may be needed)
    1. Select Biosketches and follow the prompts to upload to person record
  6. Add Institutional Association
    1. Select Institution from drop-down menu
      1. If institution record does not exist, please contact Sponsored Program Administration 313 577-3726
    2. Select Create Institutional Association button
  7. Complete Contact Info, if available
  8. Select eRA Role and then select Principal Investigator
  9. Save

Federal Agency Funding ==>

Wayne State University Prime Award ==>

WSU Sub-award to a Non-WSU Institution.

There are three (3) ways to attach a sub-award budget to a WSU Cayuse application:

1. Sub-awards Created in 

The non-WSU institution can use the free service to create the sub-award budget., a free service from Cayuse, simplifies proposal preparation between research institutions collaborating on federal grant proposals. The sub-awardee creates its own sub-award attachment (including Key Person Profiles, Biosketch attachments, and Budget Justification) in, and then e-mails the sub-award file directly to the WSU Principal Investigator (PI) who heads the prime (WSU) proposal. The sub-award file will be easily identifiable, having a .cayuse file extension, and can be easily integrated into the WSU prime proposal by clicking the Cayuse Import Sub-award button.

2. Sub-awards created in Adobe forms

For those collaborating institutions that do not subscribe to Cayuse, and do not want to use, WSU Cayuse applications can now import sub-award data directly from the "free" Adobe forms. The non-WSU sub-awardee can use one of the free Adobe sub-award budget attachment forms, which must be completed using a compatible version of the Adobe Reader(link is external). Adobe sub-award budget attachment form Sub-award Budget Attachment(s) Form - 5 Year - 30 Maximum Sub-award Attachments - for FORMS D RR_Budget_1_3_A30-V1.3.pdf The sub-awardee completes the sub-award budget form, saves it as a PDF file, and e-mails it to the WSU PI for import in the the WSU Cayuse application. The WSU PI goes to the RR Sub-award Budget Attachment module in the main WSU Cayuse application, clicks Import Sub-award, and browses to the PDF sub-award file sent by the sub-awardee. Note: If the sub-award budget is created by this method, using one of these Adobe sub-award budget attachment forms, the Cayuse system will import the budget data into the main WSU proposal -- the sub-award numbers will flow into the prime WSU Cayuse proposal and roll up to the prime (WSU) budget. However, using this method, the Adobe attachment will not include the other required sub-awardee components -- the sub-awardee Key Person Profiles and Biosketches. (These two components are included if you use the free is external) feature. Also, if you use the Adobe forms for the subcontract the subcontract will not be subject to the sophisticated validations and error corrections performed by is external).

3. Sub-awards created by WSU, for the sub-awardee 

In Cayuse the PI or admin can create the sub-award budget for the sub-awardee and then link it to the prime WSU Cayuse proposal. There are two ways of doing this: 

i. Create a sub-award outside of your WSU Cayuse proposal. The WSU PI simply:

a) Logs into Cayuse;

b) Click the "Proposals" tab

c) Clicks the "+Create Proposal" button at the top of the page;

d) Clicks the "Sub-award Proposal" option

e) Using the information obtained from the sub-awardee, completes all sub-award components -- including the sub-award budget, sub-award Key Person profiles/biosketches, and sub-award Budget Justification;

f) Links the sub-award information to the WSU prime Cayuse proposal:

  • In the Cayuse WSU proposal menu, clicks on the RR Sub-award Budget Attachment form.
  • Then clicks the Link Sub-award button, which presents a list of unlinked sub-awards. Information in the selected sub-award will automatically roll up into the WSU Cayuse proposal.

g) If sub-award budget changes need to be made after linking, the PI clicks the "RR Sub-award Budget Attachment" form and selects the sub-award that requires the edits. The edits are then made in the sub-award, and the changes show up automatically in the Cayuse "prime" application.

ii. To create a Sub-award WITHIN the WSU Cayuse proposal. The WSU PI simply:

a) Logs into the WSU Cayuse proposal;

b) Clicks the RR Sub-award Budget Attachment form in the WSU Cayuse proposal menu;

c) Clicks the "+ Create Sub-award" button at the top of the page, creating a sub-award that is automatically linked to the proposal; and

d) Using the information obtained from the sub-awardee, completes all sub-award components -- including the sub-award budget, sub-award Key Person profiles/biosketches, and sub-award Budget Justification.

e) If sub-award budget changes need to be made after linking, the PI clicks the "RR Sub-award Budget Attachment" form and selects the sub-award that requires the edits. The edits are then made in the sub-award, and the changes show up automatically in the WSU Cayuse "prime" application.

Can I copy one proposal to another in Cayuse Proposals S2S?

With Cayuse Proposals, you can quickly copy an entire proposal and edit the copy as needed. If you plan to resubmit a proposal, Sponsored Program Administration recommends that you make a copy of the proposal first, and keep the original as a record of the first submission. You can also transform the proposal to a different opportunity, which preserves data from the original proposal where corresponding forms exist in the new opportunity package.

Both procedures start by clicking the "green pages" icon at the right side of the proposal to launch the Copy/Transform dialog.

Copying a Proposal

  1. In the initial Copy/Transform Dialog, click Copy Proposal.
  2. Edit the Proposal Name for the new proposal as desired.
  3. If you do not want to copy the attached documents, uncheck the Copy Attachments checkbox.
  4. Click Copy Proposal.

Your new proposal will appear in the Proposals List.

Transforming a Proposal

If you want to instead transfer the existing data to a different opportunity, or even a new version of the same opportunity, transform the proposal. Once a proposal is created against an opportunity, if the opportunity is updated, the proposal does not automatically reflect the update (since forms may have changed) and must be transformed.

When you transform a proposal, information will only be copied between forms that are the same in each opportunity. If you are replacing an expired opportunity with a new one, the forms will generally be the same, but if it is a different opportunity, some forms may be different and that information will not transfer.

  1. In the initial Copy/Transform Dialog, click Transform Proposal.
  2. Select the new opportunity from the list by clicking on the green plus icon to the left of the opportunity. This process is similar to selecting an opportunity.
  3. Edit the Proposal Name for the new proposal as desired.
  4. If you do not want to copy the attached documents, uncheck the Copy Attachments checkbox.
  5. Select the Validation Type if a different type is required.
  6. Click Transform Proposal. Your new proposal will appear in the Proposals List.

Copy/Transform of Multi-Project Proposals

Multi-Project Proposals must be Copied/Transformed one component at a time. Selecting Copy/Transform on the Overall Component will not Copy/Transform the entire Proposal, just the Overall Component.

Additionally, Components and R01s can be transformed into Components for other Multi-Project Proposals. For more information on this process, please take a look at Transforming Existing Components.