Sponsored Program Administration Proposal Submission Deadline Policy


Wayne State University policy requires all proposals for externally sponsored projects to be submitted through the Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) office. SPA is committed to providing investigators with the best possible review to ensure submission of the highest quality proposal. Thorough review prior to submission increases the probability of funding and provides the basis for easy transition to post-award if the proposal results in an award.

Proposals should be submitted as early as possible to allow for a comprehensive review. This comprehensive review helps ensure that all forms comply with sponsor requirements and minimizes the risk of being rejected due to errors. Additionally, comprehensive budget review can identify “sensitive” costs ahead of time, minimizing the chance of cost disallowance during the life cycle of the project or at close-out.

Deadline Policy

All proposals in final form, including all necessary components/documents and necessary approvals, should be submitted via Cayuse to SPA at least three (3) full business days prior to the funding agency’s submission deadline to receive comprehensive and proper review. For proposals containing terms and conditions binding upon award, as much lead time as possible should be provided with a minimum of an additional two (2) business days required to ensure proper review. Please note that WSU’s designation as a state- controlled public institution of higher education may possibly create conflict with other regulations that must be considered, and SPA reserves the right to negotiate terms and conditions if these types of proposals are selected for funding.

For example, if a proposal is due to the funding agency by Friday at 5:00 pm, it should be submitted to SPA no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday of that week. For complex proposals such as federal contract applications, center grants, program projects, proposals with multiple consortium partners, and other higher complexity applications, an additional two (2) days is highly recommended to ensure adequate time for review. The additional two (2) days is required for proposals containing terms and conditions binding upon award.

When a proposal is due outside of normal business hours (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM), then the deadline will be considered as 5:00 PM on the deadline day. SPA staff is not available past 5:00 PM for proposal submission.

Late Proposals

Any proposal received less than three (3) full business days (five (5) business days for proposals containing terms and conditions binding upon award) before the agency’s deadline is considered “late” and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis after the review/submission of proposals submitted on time. Late proposals may receive only a limited review. Reasonable

efforts will be made to complete the review and submission process before the funding agency’s deadline. However, a successful submission cannot be guaranteed due to the high volume of proposals at major deadlines. SPA is not responsible for failed submissions of any proposal received less than three (3) days prior to the agency deadline. Additionally, there is no guarantee that WSU will be able to accept the terms and conditions of any award resulting from a late proposal.

At-Risk Proposals

A late proposal is considered “at-risk” when it is provided to SPA less than 24 hours prior to the submission deadline. At-risk proposals must be endorsed by the appropriate research dean (RD) prior to review by SPA. Once the RD endorsement has been received, SPA will make reasonable efforts to submit proposals in this category, but they will not receive the same level of review, and a successful submission is not guaranteed. If the at-risk proposal is not endorsed by the RD, or is not complete (including all approvals in Cayuse) the proposal will not be submitted. Please note that at-risk proposals will NOT be prioritized over proposals submitted on-time. Additionally, proposals received later than NOON on the sponsor’s deadline day will not be submitted to the sponsor (i.e. will be rejected in Cayuse).

RD Endorsement procedures:

  • PI and/or administrator sends the following information via email to RD and GCO:
    • Principal investigator’s (PI) name
    • Cayuse Proposal number
    • Explanation of the extenuating circumstances for the exception request
  • If the research dean decides to allow the at-risk proposal to move forward, then they will email their endorsement to the appropriate SPA grant and contract officer (GCO) with a copy to Denise Reid, Associate Director, Andrea Jones, Associate Director, and the appropriate administrator in their S/C/D.

Grants.gov Resubmission Information

If errors are identified by Grants.gov or the funding agency, they must be corrected, and the entire application successfully resubmitted by SPA prior to the funding agency deadline. Allowing adequate time for the submission process (making corrections, re-reviewing the application, and resubmitting the application) is imperative to ensure that applications are validated through Grants.gov by the funding agency’s deadline.

Tips for a Successful Submission

  • Notify your GCO of the intent to submit a proposal as soon as possible.
  • Proposals in final form should be submitted as early as possible and within the deadline set by this policy to ensure adequate review.
  • All Cayuse approvals should be completed prior to submission.
  • The PI or their designee must be available during and after the submission process so that any required revisions or corrections can be completed.
  • The PI is responsible for reviewing the final agency version for accuracy. When the proposal is submitted to SPA, it should be in final form. Requesting a proposal be rejected in Commons after submission puts the proposal at risk of not meeting the deadline.

Word Version