Policies, Guidelines and Procedures for All Species
The following are policies, guidelines and procedures for all species:
- Acclimation of Animals
- Administration of Substances: Maximum Volumes and Other Recommendations
- Autoclave Monitoring and Sterile Pack Storage Standards
- Blood Collection: Maximum Volumes and Fluid Replacement
- Defining Humane Endpoints and End-stage Illness
- Environmental Enrichment and Behavioral and Social Management of Research Animals
- Food/Water Restriction or Regulation
- Genetically-Modified Animals
- Handling of Expired Materials
- Methods of Euthanasia
- Multiple Survival Surgeries
- Non-Pharmaceutical Grade Drugs
- Overnight and Long-Term Housing of Animals in Investigator Laboratories
- Prolonged Physical Restraint
- Recordkeeping
- Sanitization of Equipment (not sanitized by DLAR)
- Space Recommendations
- Transportation of Animals (revised May 2021)
- Use of an Animal on Multiple Research Protocols
- See "Campus animal transfer and/or transport" under Forms and Documents
- The Use of Animal Tissues or Carcasses
- Use of Invertebrate Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing
- Vaporizer Equipment Monitoring and Maintenance Standards
- Veterinary Recommendations for Anesthesia and Analgesia - DLAR Guidance
- Categorizing the Pain and Distress of Procedures