Food Safety

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) is responsible for regulating food service operations here on the campus of Wayne State University. OEHS is committed to the promotion of health through the use of educational and assessment tools in the areas of food handling and sanitary conditions at all licensed food service establishments.

The information below addresses fixed, special transitory food units (STFU), mobile and temporary food service operations on the campus of Wayne State University.


Reference Regulations:


Bake Sales non-licensed events which may provide non-potentially hazardous, home-prepared baked goods when operated by a charitable, religious, fraternal, or other nonprofit organization in association with fund raising events

Catering- the service of food by a licensed food service facility,  by transporting the food to a fixed, temporary, and serving, having no on-site preparation

Fixed Food Service Establishment - a food service establishment with a permanent location. This is an operation where food or drink is prepared for direct consumption through service on the premises or elsewhere, and any other eating or drinking establishment or operation where food is served or provided to the public

Mobile Food Service Establishment - a food service establishment operating from a vehicle, trailer, or watercraft which is not fully equipped for full food service and, therefore, must return to a licensed commissary at least once every 24 hours for servicing and maintenance. The commissary license number must be recorded in the appropriate place in order for this application to be processed

Person-in-Charge (PIC) the individual present at the food establishment responsible for the operation

Special Transitory Food Unit (STFU) - a temporary food establishment that is licensed to operate throughout the state at different locations, or a mobile food establishment that is not required to return to a commissary. STFUs are required to submit an Intent to Operate to OEHS 5 days prior to planned operation. STFUs may request paid inspections of OEHS

Temporary Food Service License a food service establishment, which operates at a fixed location for a temporary period of time not to exceed 14 consecutive days

Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TTCSF) - a food that requires time/temperature control for safety (TCS) to limit pathogenic microorganism growth or toxin formation. Potentially hazardous food includes food of an animal origin that is raw or heat-treated; a food of plant origin that is heat-treated or consists of raw seed sprouts; cut melons; cut leafy greens; cut tomatoes; and garlic-in-oil mixtures that are not modified in a way that results in mixtures that do not support the growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms


Food Service Facility

  • Cooperate with OEHS in all aspects of food safety as outlined in this Guidance Document
  • Adhere to the requirements of the Michigan Food Law

Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS)

  • Administer all applicable sections of the Michigan Food Law on University property as provided for in the Agency Agreement, including licensing and enforcement
  • Serve as a University liaison for local, county, state, and federal agencies regarding food safety issues
  • Maintain food service inspection reports and related documents
  • Provide training and technical assistance to food service personnel

Food Safety Classes:

Food safety classes are not currently being offered on regular schedule. Basic food safety classes offered by OEHS are free grant a certificate of completion that recognizes competence in basic food safety. This course is recommended for students with no background in food handling. Please note that this completing this course does not fulfill the certified food manager requirement of the Michigan Food Law.

To request a food safety class, please contact OEHS Food Safety for further information (313) 577-1373.


Fixed Food Service Establishments:

The following information applies to operators of fixed food service establishments at Wayne State University:


A food service establishment at Wayne State University may not operate without a valid license issued by the State of Michigan though OEHS. An application for a license must be submitted at least 30 calendar days before the date planned for opening a food establishment or the expiration date of the current license for an existing facility.

License renewal packets are sent to all current licensed food establishments in early spring and are due at the end of April.

Plan Review:

To open a new fixed Food Service Establishment, remodel an existing establishment, provide equipment or menu changes, a plan  review application packet must be submitted to OEHS. OEHS will evaluate the proposed plan for compliance with the Michigan Food Law and the Michigan Modified FDA Food Code as required by law and issue written approval or change notification. OEHS has 30 days after receiving all the components of a plan review to approve or deny the plans. No construction, equipment installation or menu changes may occur prior to Plan Review Approval. Enforcement procedures may result if construction activities, equipment additions or menu changes are initiated prior to Plan Review approval. Please refer to the Plan Review Guidance (Word Document) provided by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD).

A complete plan review application packet consists of:

The plan review application packet can be delivered to:

Jeannie Liu
Wayne State University
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
5425 Woodward Ave., Suite 300
Detroit, MI 48202
Office: 313.577.1200
Fax: 313.993.4079

See also the most current Wayne State University FP&M Construction by Tenants and FP&M Construction Design Guidelines for requirements.

OEHS will consult with and request the assistance of the WSU Facilities Planning & Maintenance and the City of Detroit whenever necessary. Enforcement procedures (see below) could result if construction activities or menu changes are initiated prior to Plan Review approval.

License Approval or Denial

If a food service establishment is found to comply with applicable rules and regulations, a license will be issued. However, if an establishment does not qualify for a license, the applicant will be notified in writing that the application for a license is approved, denied or approved with conditions. The notification will include suggested remedial action, if any, and information on administrative review procedures.


Fixed food service facility will undergo unannounced inspections which will be conducted at least once during each six month period of operation; seasonal facilities and facilities that are in operation nine or fewer months per year may be inspected once during the period of operation. Additional inspections may be conducted to verify that Priority Items and Priority Foundation Items were corrected, if the facility is implicated in a potential foodborne illness, in response to a complaint, or if the facility appears to be a high risk operation. A report identifying the violations found during the inspection will be issued to the person in charge.

OEHS will be granted access to all areas of a food service facility, and may examine, take samples of, seize, condemn, or otherwise restrict the use of food, equipment, or utensils in accordance with the Michigan Food Law.

Licensed Special Transitory Food Units (STFUs):

Licensed Special Transitory Food Units (STFUs) may operate on campus. Prior approval to operate and specific locations of operation must be authorized by the Student Center Administration. The Intent to Operate must be submitted 5 business days prior to intended operation to the Office of Environmental Health & Safety. Paid Inspection requests may be made of OEHS.

Mobile Food Carts:

Mobile food carts with existing licensing require prior approval from Student Center Administration to operate on campus.  If already licensed as a Mobile Food Unit, a documented relationship with a mobile food establishment commissary is required for servicing and maintenance. A return visit to the commissary is required at least once every 24 hours during operation. Plans are submitted during the application and Plan Review processes. Mobile food carts and kiosks must meet the structural and operational criteria established by the Michigan Food Law and the 2009 Michigan Modified FDA Food Code. The use of mobile food carts and kiosks may need to meet the requirements and procedures indicated in the Temporary Events section.

Enforcement Procedures:

Three types of violations may be identified during an inspection of a food service facility: Priority, Priority Foundation, and Core.

Priority violations are an item that is more likely than other violations to contribute to food contamination, illness to humans, or an environmental health hazard. Priority violations are required to be corrected at the time of inspection.

Priority Foundation violations are an item whose application supports, facilitates, or enables one or more Priority items. Priority Foundation violations must be corrected immediately or within 10 days if the Priority Foundation violations do not create an immediate health hazard.

Core violations are less hazardous. The time for correction of Core violation is typically limited to 90 days.

Failure to provide corrections in a timely manner, repeat violations or refusal to correct violations may result in heightened enforcement measures. It is important to remember that heightened enforcement measures follow the sequential steps to license revocation. Permanent and timely correction of violations of the FDA Food Code and MI Food Law help to ensure that your food service facility operates safety and without interruption.

Documentation of the current enforcement policy may be found at Enforcement Protocol Outline.

Temporary Events that are License Exempt:

The most common license exempt events include Bake Sales and Catered events.

  • Bake Sales are non-licensed events which may provide home-prepared baked goods if operated by a charitable, religious, fraternal, or other nonprofit organization.  Prior approval must be gained from the Student Center:
  • If food has been prepared in a food establishment licensed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), transported in a safe manner, and held at proper temperatures at a temporary serving location, no additional license is required, provided that no food preparation occurs at the temporary serving location and the food is transported and served by employees of the food establishment (catering)
  • A group may provide food for its own members in connection with its own meeting, party, picnic or other function where public participation is not intended.
  • A person owning or operating a device that dispenses packaged nonperishable foods or beverages; or bulk gum, nuts, and candy.
  • A temporary food establishment with no food preparation using only single - service articles and serving only non-potentially-hazardous food or beverage.
  •  A retail establishment that only sells prepackaged, non-potentially hazardous foods and offers only an incidental amount of food, such as the sale of single-service packages.
  •  A charitable, religious, fraternal, or other nonprofit organization operating a home - prepared baked goods sale in connection with its meetings or as part of a fund raising event (bake sale)
  •  A food operation located in a boarding house, fraternity or sorority house, or other facility where the facility is the primary residence for the occupants and the food operation is limited to serving meals to the occupants as part of their living arrangement

All food service operations conducted on University property, including those described above, are subject to inspection by OEHS, regardless of whether a license is required. Food service licenses are not transferable to person or lace and must be posted in a conspicuous area within the facility.

Required Permissions

  • All events, sales or promotions on university grounds must be pre-scheduled and have prior approval of the Student Center or the Department of Athletics if applicable.
  • No charcoal grills are permitted to be used on university grounds.
  • All indoor events, sales or promotions in university buildings areas must be pre-scheduled and have prior approval of the Student Center or the Building Coordinator.

Temporary Food Events Requiring Licensing:

Events involving the service of potentially hazardous foods, food prep and/or cooking onsite require licensing. Application and submission of required fees must be made at least ten (10) days prior to any indoor or outdoor temporary event where potentially hazardous food will be prepared and/or potentially hazardous food will be served to the public. Examples would include outdoor special events involving potentially hazardous foods sold or given away, grilling foods, serving cut melon, pasta salads, etc.  OEHS will require verification of approval from the applicable offices as stated above, before issuing the Temporary Food License application.  Equipment, source and procedural requirements must be met. A Temporary Food Service License will be issued upon satisfactory inspection and approval to operate is given by the OEHS representative. Food service training may be a prerequisite for licensure of a temporary food establishment. Additional inspections may be conducted at any time during the period of operation. OEHS may limit the menu or place other limitations on the license. Any violations found during the inspection must be corrected. The license may be suspended or revoked, or specific items removed from the menu if violations are not corrected immediately.

  • For events hosted in areas managed by Student Center, please refer to the SCB Catering and Food Service Policy and complete the applicable forms for approval
  • For events hosted in areas not managed by Student Center, please contact OEHS Food Safety directly by phone (313)577-1373 or email.

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact:

Jeannie Liu, MPH, REHS/RS
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
5425 Woodward Ave., Suite 300
Detroit, MI 48202
Office: (313)577-1373

Helpful Resources

Wayne State University Fire Safety Manual
Food Code and Food Law
Food Code Fact Sheets

Food Sales at Farmer's Markets
Emergency Action Plans for Retail Food Establishments