IRB education, training and guidance
eProtocol IRB Submission Guidance Tools & Checklists:
Consent Waiver Request:
Using a Research Information Sheet: A Waiver of written documentation of Consent is required for minimal risk research study that uses a Research Information Sheet (unsigned consent).
To request the waiver of written documentation of consent, complete the following steps:
- Consent Information section select "Add" and complete the pop-up window
- Title: type the name of the requested waiver: "Waiver of Written documentation of consent"
- Consent Information Type: select the appropriate waiver type for the pop-up window: "Waiver of 'DOCUMENTATION' of Consent or Parental Permission"
- Respond to the listed waiver/alteration statements and Save
- Consent Information section select "Add" and complete the pop-up window
- Title: type the name of the requested waiver: "Waiver to screen for study eligibility"
- Consent Information Type: select the appropriate waiver type for the pop-up window: "Waiver of Consent or Parental Permission"
- Respond to the listed waiver/alteration statements and select "Save".
Assent Waiver Request:
Note: eProtocol users UNANTICIPATED PROBLEM (UP) REPORTING- Please use the IRB Unanticipated Problem Form found on the IRB Forms and Submission Requirements webpage and attach for the eProtocol Protocol Violation or Serious Adverse Event options.
Are you a guest Access ID user? Learn how to forward your wayne email to an external email address. See Access ID instructions.
For instructional videos and manuals of the eProtocol system click the green eProtocol button on the top left of this website.
For eProtocol technical questions, guest WSU Access ID assistance, sign up for the listserv, or request an eProtocol Education Session for your department or college please email:
IRB Training Requests & IRB Questions
For more information or to schedule an education session, please contact IRB Training Coordinator, Heather Park-May at 313-993-7157 or
IRB Questions:
Have a burning IRB Question?
Need help with determining whether a submission is full board, expedited, exempt?
Email your IRB questions to:
IRB Education On-Demand
HRPP-IRB Webinar Series
Upcoming Webinar Dates:
March 2025- No Webinar
Tuesday April 22, 2025 at 10:30 am
Registration is required for the webinar
A one time register will provide access to future sessions.
An email confirmation will be sent after registration is approved.
eProtocol-IRB is a web-based system for submitting, tracking, reviewing and approving research protocols in a paperless environment. Select faculty and staff have participated in system testing, evaluation, and pilot submission for eProtocol. eProtocol-IRB was released on Monday, Dec. 18, 2017 in a phased approach, with subsequent IRBs accepting and reviewing full board submissions via eProtocol.
Currently all WSU IRBs are accepting New/Initial Full Board, Expedited, & Exempt submissions via eProtocol including VA submissions
IRB eProtocol Virtual Office HourTuesdays 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Meeting ID: 953 4534 4223 Please include your name for your Zoom profile. Your name must be provided or entrance will not be allowed. Members are placed in the waiting room first. If there is a line, attendees will be remain in the waiting room and notification provided regarding your placement in line. |
Upcoming eProtocol Training Session
Resources and Guidance
IRB Pre-Review Services
The IRB offers a number of pre-review services, including a pre-review self-assessment tool and pre-review of full board initial submissions. To learn more about pre-review services visit the IRB's IRB Forms and Submission Requirements webpage.
IRB Questions
Do you have an IRB questions or need assistance with completing IRB forms, send an e-mail to
Join the IRB Research Listserv
Keep up to date of IRB form changes, regulatory changes, submission requirements, and electronic submission implementation by joining the IRB Listserv.
It's easy to join: To subscribe, send an email to:
Research Design and Analysis Consulting
The WSU Research Design and Analysis Unit provides assistance with the design of research projects and the statistical analysis of data. The service is available free of charge to Wayne State University faculty, staff, post-doctoral students, and graduate students. The service is not available to undergraduate students. Contact information:
Guidance for getting started
Guidance for WSU Students Conducting Research
- What Students Should Know Before Conducting Research
- What to Include in a Research Proposal/Protocol
- Faculty Sponsor Role and Responsibilities
Guidance for Research That May Not Require IRB Review
- HHS - Quality Improvement FAQs
- Human Participant Research vs. Quality Improvement
- Oral History Projects
- Human Participant Research Determination Tool
- Guidance Tool for Activities Not Considered to be Human Participant Research
- OHRP Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts 2018 Requirements
Guidance for research with humans
- What to Include in a Research Proposal/Protocol
- Advertising to Recruit Participants (December 2023 update)
- International Research
- Letters of Support
- Informed Consent Templates
- Privacy and Confidentiality Guidance
- Key Personnel Guidance Tool
- Certificate of Confidentiality
- Data Collection and Confidentiality Guidance Tool (September 2023 update)
- Qualtrics Survey Tool & the Research Information Sheet
- Exempt Research Guidance & Instructions
- Expedited Research Categories and Guidance
- Status Update Report Guidance & Instructions
- Virtual Data Collection and (on-line) Meeting Platforms Guidance (January 2024)
Guidance for addressing characteristics of study design
Specimen Banking
Private Information/Bio Specimens Decision Chart - Determining if IRB review is required
RIM&R Collection and Banking Specimens for Research Charts - Determining if IRB review is required
Resource List for Specimen Banking
Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs)
When leaving the University and taking research data or specimens or if brining research data or specimens to the University, a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) may be required. MTAs are contracts between two parties that describe the terms and conditions underlying the transfer of biological materials, chemical compounds, and other tangible research data or materials.
To facilitate the processing of both outgoing MTAs (Wayne State-owned materials to be transferred to an outside organization) and incoming MTAs (materials owned by an outside organization transferred to Wayne State), The Office of Business Innovation and Technology Commercialization have established procedures available at the Material Transfer Agreement website.
Data Use Agreements and Limited Data Sets Guidance Tool (updated July 2023)
Radiation Use in Research
If a study requires any imaging, therapeutic and/or diagnostic procedures involving radiation, a Radiation Safety Review is required prior to submitting the IRB protocol for review. Contact the appropriate Radiation Safety Committee list at the end of Appendix G to receive a review and submit the Initial Protocol Summary form and Appendix G to that committee. For Karmanos Cancer Institute, the PRMC conducts the radiation safety review for their protocols. For VAMC studies, the radiation safety review is done by the CIC.
After you have completed the Radiation Safety Review process, you may submit the Initial Protocol Summary form and Appendix G to the IRB. Please include evidence that the Radiation Safety Review review was completed.
Clinical Trial Registration - (see Requirements-NEW!)
Clinical Trial research studies are required by law to be registered on the website [U.S. Public Law 110-85 (FDAAA)] and a statement must appear in the informed consent document stating that it is registered. For more information about this law and requirements for sponsors and/or investigators, visit the PRS and U.S. Public Law 110-85 Information Page.
Guidance for Advertising and Recruitment for Research
WSU Academica Snippets: A Snippet on WSU Academica is permissible as a means to recruit students and or employees for research however, prior IRB approval is required. Snippet requirements are 256 characters for the title, 512 characters for the summary and a link and image may be included. Spaces and punctuation are included in the characters. Most Departments, Colleges, and Divisions will have a designated snippet manager. If unsure of a designated snippet manager, contact C&IT at IRB approval is also required for any changes to already approved snippets. An amendment must be submitted and approved prior to using the modified advertisement.
Guidance for Using Facebook and other Social Media Websites for Advertising and Recruitment:
To use a publicly available social media site for recruiting only: (1) gain IRB approval to advertise on social networking sites (such as Facebook) via Appendix B, (2) ask permission from the site administrators (at various Facebook pages) and (3) post to sites only where you have gained permission to advertise.
To use a social media site that is not publicly available for recruiting only: (1) gain a letter of permission to advertise recruitment from each site/server owner, then (2) proceed to gain IRB approval to advertise there, (3) post to sites only where you have gained permission to advertise.
- The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
- How do I tell if my study can be exempt or expedited?
- Do I need WSU IRB review if I have approval at another IRB?
Guidance for export control and international travel:
Federal Export Control Regulations prohibit disclosure of certain information, technology and products to designated persons or entities, whether on U.S. soil ("deemed exports") or abroad. If your research protocol involves this or traveling outside of the USA, refer to the Export Control Department to see if you are required to take an action.
Guidance on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
Effective on May 25, 2018 the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect. The Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) has provided compilation guidance for IRBs and also stakeholders involved in human participant research in Europe. For more information see OHRP's Compilation of European GDPR Guidances.
Guidance on conflicts of interest:
If you have a Conflict of Interest, you must bring this to the attention of the Conflict of Interest Committee prior to submitting your research study to the IRB. If you already have IRB approved studies and develop a conflict at a later point, report this when it becomes known. For more info, contact the Conflict of Interest Committee.
Department of Defense Research:
The DOD Directive 3216.02 Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DOD Supported Research encompasses the DOD Human Research Policy. Investigators from outside the DOD need to be aware of human research protection policies and should seek additional guidance from the TMA Privacy Office and the TMA Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) regarding specific requirements. Should you have any questions, please contact TMA at 703-681-7500 or
Create surveys with qualtrics:
The Qualtrics Research Suite is a user-friendly, feature rich, web-based survey tool which allows users to build, distribute, and analyze online surveys, collaborate in real-time, and export data in multiple formats. It is available to all students, faculty and staff at WSU at no cost. Karmanos also has this available to their employees. More information on qualtrics is available.
Helpful Links - Outside Resources
Data Collection Note:
Attorneys representing the purported owner of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (both MMAS-4 and MMAS-8), and one of its authors, Dr. Donald Morisky, have threatened universities and researchers (including here at WSU), among others, with copyright infringement and breach of contract lawsuits, and have demanded retraction of publications, when a researcher has used either MMAS-4 or MMAS-8 as part of academic research.
Related articles on the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale.
The experience of other universities with payment to MMAS Research, LLC, Dr. Morisky, and/or his associate Steven Trubow in exchange for a license or permission to use the scale has not been positive. Typically, there is no support by the company after payment in relation to using the scale, and researchers who believe they hold a license continue to be harassed for additional payment based on the nature and extent of their use. For these reasons, WSU urges researchers to consider using (or, if protected by copyright, requesting permission to use) a publicly-available alternative to the MMAS-4 or MMAS-8 as part of any research involving medication adherence. For example, researchers at peer universities are now using NIH-funded Self-Reported Medication Non-adherence measurement tools created by Corrine Voils, Ph.D., are available as alternatives to MMAS-4 and MMAS-8. Other MMAS options may be viewed for consideration.
Archived training sessions & webinars
Education Spotlight: July 21, 2021 DMC GME Professional Development Series: Intro to the IRB
Missed the recent External IRB Request Education Session? The August 2018 PowerPoint slide presentation is available.
- The Human Subject' Protection Regulations and You: What Everyone Should Know - Presented at WSU on October 25, 2012 by Elyse I. Summers, J.D., Director, Division of Education and Development, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)
- International Research Training
- Defining Human Participant Research: How to Determine if Your Project Requires IRB Oversight - IRB Drop in Training Session June 13, 2018 Slides are available for review.
- Policy Updates Human Participant Research - Presentation May 9, 2019 presenters: Monica Malian & Heather Park-May
- Video of Presentation: