Human Research Protection Program

Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures


Section 1 Wayne State University Human Research Policy
Section 2 Ethical Principles
Section 3 WSU Affiliate Contracts and Agreements

Section 4 Protocol Review
Section 5 Institutional Review Board
Section 6 Principal Investigator
Section 7 Recruitment and Participant Rights
Section 8 Research Involving Vulnerable Participants
Section 9 Informed Consent
Section 10 HIPAA
Section 11 Research Involving Drugs and Devices
Section 12 Research Procedures
Section 13 Reporting Responsibility
Section 14 Conflict of Interest
Section 15 Non-Compliance
Section 16 References

Section 1 Wayne State University Human Research Policy

1-2 Wayne State University Human Research Protection Program (7/2022 updated)

1-3 Wayne State University Human Protection Program: Roles and Responsibilities (3/2020 updated)

1-4 What is Human Participant Research? (3/2015)

1-5 Flexible Review and Oversight of Research Not Covered by Federalwide Assurance (12/2018)

Section 2 Ethical Principles

2-1 Belmont Report

2-2 Nuremberg Code

2-3 Declaration of Helsinki

Section 3 WSU Affiliate Contracts and Agreements

3-3 John D. Dingell Veterans Administration Medical Center Memo of Understanding (2/2016)

VA Reference Documents:  

Section 4 Protocol Review

4-1 Types of IRB Reviews

4-2 Initial Protocol Submission Requirements (09/2023 update)

4-3 Unexpected Problems (see 13-1 under Section 13)

4-4 Exempt Review Procedures (update May 2024)

4-5 Expedited Review Procedures (update 9/2023)

4-6 Amendments to the Research Protocols and Informed Consent (2/2020 update)

4-7 Continuation/Renewal of Protocol (update 12.2022)

4-8 Closure of a Research Protocol (2/2022 update)

4-9 Determining Projects that Require Additional Verification (11/2019 update)

4-10 Criteria for Determining Frequency of Review (11/2019 update)

4-11 Outcomes of Proposal Reviews by the Institutional Review Board (11/2019 update)

4-12 Notification of IRB Decisions to Principal Investigator and PI Response

4-13 Conditional Approvals and Subsequent Decisions by IRB Chairs (11/2019 update)

4-14 General Counsel: Roles and Responsibilities

4-15 Document Retention for Research Protocols (11/2019 update)

4-16 Quality Improvement Program (11/2019 update)

4-17 External IRB & Reliance Agreements for Multi Site Research (10.2022 updated)

4-18 Transitioning to the Revised Common Rule 

4-19 Public Health Crisis Emergency Policy (New policy)

Section 5 Institutional Review Board

5-1 Expectations of IRB Membership (5/2023 update)

5-2 Selection and Review of Institutional Review Board Members and Staff (2/2021 update)

5-3 Policy and Procedure Development and Approval (12/2019 update)

5-4 Selection of Alternative IRB Member for Duly Constituted Meeting (11/2019)

5-5 Minutes Requirements (3/2020 update)

Section 6 Principal Investigator

6-1 Principal Investigator: Roles and Responsibilities (11/2019 update)

6-2 Investigator Initiated Research

6-3 Collaborating Research (12/2019 updated)

6-4 International Research (3/2020 update)

6-5 State and Local Statutes (admin upate 01/2024)

6-6 Department of Defense Requirements for Human Subject Research Protection (2/2020 update)

6-7 Additional Requirements for Research Involving Other Federal Agencies (NEW)

Section 7 Recruitment and Participant Rights

7-1 Recruitment of Research Participants (11/2019 update)

7-2 The Inclusion of Pregnant Women in Research (11/2019 update)

7-3 The Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Research

7-4 Advertising for Research Participants (12/2019 updated)

7-5 Finders Fee (3/2015)

7-6 Costs Associated with Research Participation

7-7 Compensation for Research Participation (11/2019 update)

Section 8 Research Involving Vulnerable Participants

8-1 Research Involving Fetuses and Neonates (11/2019 update)

8-2 Vulnerable Participants: Children (12/2021 update)

8-3 Vulnerable Participants: with Impaired Decision Making Ability (updated 12/2018)

8-4 Vulnerable Participants: Prisoners (11/2019 update)

8-5 Vulnerable Participants: Terminally Ill (11/2019 update)

8-6 Vulnerable Participants: Normal Volunteers

8-7 Vulnerable Participants: Students, Trainees and Employees (11/2019 update)

Section 9 Informed Consent

9-1 Requirements of Informed Consent (2/2020 update formerly titled Informed Consent Options)

9-2 Informed Consent Involving Non-English Speaking Participants (updated 3/2018)

9-3 Informed Consent Process (updated 9/2018)

9-4 Obtaining Permission from Legally Authorized Representatives or Family Members (12/2018 update)

Section 10 HIPAA

10-1 HIPAA Requirements in Research (update 7/2023)

Section 11 Research Involving Drugs and Devices

11-1 Research and Expanded Access Involving Investigational Drugs (10/2019 revised) formerly Investigational Drug Research

11-2 Approved and Unapproved Devices in Research (10/2019 updated)

11-3 Emergency Single Time Use of a Test Article (Drug, Biologic, Device) (11/2019 update)

11-4 Humanitarian Use Device:This content is now contained within revised policies 11-1 and 11-2 

11-5 Off Label Use of Drugs and Devices:This content is now contained within revised policies 11-1 and 11-2

11-6 Planned Emergency Research (2/2020 update)

11-7 Compassionate and Expanded Use of Drugs and Devices: This content is now contained within revised policies 11-1 and 11-2

Section 12 Research Procedures

12-1 The Use of Biological Specimens in Research (12/2018-RCR update)

12-2 Data Safety and Monitoring in Research (11/2019 update)

12-3 Research Studies Involving the Collection of Blood Samples (9/2016)

Section 13 Reporting Responsibility

13-1 Unanticipated Problems and Other Reportable Events (admin updated 11.2022)

13-2 IRB Reporting Unanticipated Problems, Suspensions and Terminations, Serious & Continuing Non-Compliance (admin update 01/2024)

13-3 (see policy 13-1 and the Unanticipated Event Reporting Form)

13-4 (see policy 13-1 and the Unanticipated Event Reporting Form)

13-5 Veteran Affairs Reporting Responsibilities and Procedures (7/2021 update)

Section 14 Conflict of Interest

14-1 Conflict of Interest: Principal Investigator/Key Personnel (11/2019 update)

14-2 Conflict of Interest: Institutional Review Board Members and IRB Administration Staff (11/2019 update)

Section 15 Non-Compliance

15-1 Identifying, Defining and Managing Non-Compliance in Human Research (revised 8.1.2019)

15-2 For Cause Audits (11/2019 update)

15-3 Suspension and Termination of Research Protocols (revision 8.1.2019)

Section 16 References

16-1 Glossary

16-2 FDA

16-3 OHRP

16-4 Dingell Veterans Administration Policy

16-5 Good Clinical Practice

16-6 FDA Guidance

16-7 FDA Devices

16-8 Department of Defense (DoD)

16-9 Department of Energy (DoE)

16-10 Department of Education

16-11 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

16-12 NIH Human Subjects Research

16-13 NIH Certificates of Confidentiality

16-14 HIPAA Flowcharts

16-15 HIPAA Tip Sheet

Revised Common Rule (RCR)

Contact Information
IRB Administration Office
87 E. Canfield, Second Floor
Detroit , MI 48201
(313) 577-1628

Division of Research, Office of Research Compliance (313) 577-9064