Respiratory Protection Program

The purpose of this Respiratory Protection Program (RPP) is to establish and implement comprehensive procedures to protect employees from the adverse health effects of exposure to airborne contaminants. Wayne State University (WSU) is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and prioritizes the elimination and control of respiratory hazards through engineering and administrative controls whenever feasible. Respiratory protection equipment (respirators) will be used only as a supplemental measure when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible, are being implemented, or in emergency situations.

Each element of this program shall be performed in accordance with MIOSHA Part 451, Respiratory Protection Standard. At Wayne State University, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) - Associate Director, Compliance Program is the Respiratory Protection Program Administrator. More information can be found in the written WSU Respiratory Protection Program (pdf).

To ensure compliance with all applicable safety regulations and medical clearances, all respirator use on campus, whether required by a specific task or chosen voluntarily by an employee where a respiratory hazard exists, must be approved by OEHS before any respirator is used. This structured process is designed to protect employee health and ensure the proper selection, fit, and use of respiratory protection equipment.

Respirator Request Form

To initiate the approval process, complete the Respirator Use Request Form. Once submitted, OEHS will evaluate and follow up on each request to ensure that all regulatory requirements are satisfied.

If the respirator use is approved, OEHS will coordinate any necessary medical evaluations with Occupational Health Services. All employees required to use respirators must receive medical clearance to ensure they are physically capable of wearing a respirator. This evaluation may include a medical questionnaire, physical examination, and/or pulmonary function testing, as determined by the medical professional.

OEHS will notify the relevant department manager or supervisor of the approval and the need for employee participation in the Respiratory Protection Program. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that their employees comply with all program requirements.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact our office at 313-577-1200. Thank you for your cooperation.