Respiratory Protection - Fit Testing
It is important that respirators fit properly to provide efficient protection. If a tight seal is not maintained between the face piece and employee, contaminated air will be drawn into the facepiece and inhaled by the employee. Fit testing seeks to protect individuals from breathing contaminated ambient air and is one of the core provisions of the RPP.
Before any employee is required to use a respirator with a negative or positive pressure tight-fitting facepiece, the employee must be fit tested with the same make, model, style, and size of respirator that they will be using. Employees will be fit tested with the make, model and size of respirator that they will actually wear. Employees will also be provided with several models and sizes of respirators so that they may find an optimal fit.
All respirator-approved employees will be fit-tested by OEHS at the following times:
- Prior to being allowed to wear any respirator with a tight fitting facepiece.
- Annually.
- If they receive any facial injuries, scarring, or loss of teeth,
- When they gain or lose 30 or more pounds,
- If they become fitted with dentures, or
- They are required to wear a different type of respirator for which they have not been fit tested.
- When an employee, subsequently after passing a qualitative fit testing (QLFT) or quantitative fit testing (QNFT), notifies OEHS that the fit of the respirator is unacceptable. The employee shall be retested with a different respirator face piece.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact our office at 313-577-1200. Thank you for your cooperation.