Chemical Inventories and CHIMERA

(6/14/2024 - This page is still being developed. More information to come!) Chimera Logo - link to WSU Chimera database login

A comprehensive chemical inventory is an important tool for assessing and managing hazards in the workplace. Staff can use a chemical inventory to help identify needed storage requirements, emergency response equipment, warning signage/labeling, potential exposure concerns, and the need for safe standard operating procedures.  Emergency response personnel rely on an accurate chemical inventory for their safety when responding to emergencies such as fires and flooding. Wayne State University also utilizes chemical inventories to satisfy federal, state, and local reporting requirements. 

To aid faculty and staff in compiling and updating the chemical inventory for their area(s), Wayne State University has contracted for the use of the chemical inventory module of CHIMERA, a safety software system developed by the University of Nevada – Las Vegas. 

CHIMERA provides users: 

  • A way to maintain an electronic chemical inventory that can be continuously updated on a rolling basis. Add and remove chemicals as you purchase and use them. 

  • Access to a comprehensive library of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), which can be narrowed to the chemicals specific to your area.  CHIMERA can also create an SDS binder for your specific area. 

  • The ability to run a variety of reports, such as based on hazard classification.  You can also run a room/location specific inventory report, which can then be printed and posted if needed. 

OEHS will be working with departments and contacting Principal Investigators across campus to transition chemical inventories provided in Excel spreadsheets into CHIMERA. The initial upload via an Excel spreadsheet is a one-time opportunity to get inventories established. OEHS will make training available to departments/research groups on how to subsequently maintain your inventory.  

Laboratory Chemical Inventory Form: Use this template if you are new to using CHIMERA and do not currently have any inventory in the database.  Ensure all required fields are completed and chemicals are correctly assigned to specific rooms.

Online training (new):  The following video training covers the basics of registering for an account, how to access and update your inventory, and how to run basic reports on your inventory. WSU Access ID and password is required to view the Wayne State CHIMERA Training video.

Initial training slides are available at

CHIMERA has a manual available to registered users, which can be found under the “Account” tab when logged into the module. 

CHIMERA User Access Registration – Use this link to register to use CHIMERA. OEHS will approve new users in the system.  If you are not a WSU PI, OEHS will first confirm the validity of your account request with your PI. 

CHIMERA Login Portal – Once registered, use this link to login and begin creating and editing your chemical inventory. 

CHIMERA SDS database - This site includes Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals currently included in the Chimera inventory management system. You must be on campus, or connected via VPN, to access this resource.


  • I have registered as a user in CHIMERA, but I have not been approved.  Who should I talk to about getting approval? 

  • OEHS staff will approve each new user. The only exception is for users within the Chemistry Department.  In Chemistry, new user approvals will be approved by the Building Coordinator. Once your request is approved, you will receive a temporary password valid for 7 days. Note, you will only be given access to specific room locations you are responsible for or have been approved for by your supervisor. Contact OEHS at 313-577-1200 if you have any questions regarding account approval. 

  • What do I do if my building is not in CHIMERA? 

  • Contact OEHS at 313-577-1200 to request it be added. 

  • I work in a large, shared laboratory space.  How do I keep my inventory separate from everyone else’s in CHIMERA for the same lab room? 

  • For some buildings, the benches in these types of spaces are individually numbered, like rooms.  If you are unsure about how to identify your lab spaces in CHIMERA, contact OEHS at 313-577-1200. 

  • What is the ChemShare program?  

  • Using the CHIMERA platform, Wayne State University Faculty and Staff can choose to enroll in the ChemShare program. ChemShare participants share inventory information with one another and are provided the ability to search the participant pool for chemicals. 

  • For those enrolled, ChemShare is a powerful tool for reducing expenses from the purchase of chemicals that might otherwise be available in a fellow participant's laboratory. It also assists in reducing cost associated with the disposal of excess chemicals. 

  • Users can simply search for the chemical they need by name, chemical synonym, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, manufacturer part number, and manufacturer. A list of available chemicals is returned with contact information for the laboratory owner to enable participants to get in contact with one another to request portions of the desired chemical.